Fujifilm is sponsoring an art competition for college students with a primary focus on photography or video.
“If you are currently an active college student in the US, enter our Students of Storytelling contest by submitting an idea for a story, that can be depicted through images or video, and we could be the ones to help to bring your story to life!” NO PURCHASE NECESSARY TO ENTER OR WIN. Enter 04/01/20 through 05/31/20 by submitting a proposed “story” that can be told with images or video, as well as the required entry form found at http://www.StudentsOfStorytelling.com. “Story” submission may be in text, image or video format, but must meet criteria outlined in the Contest Rules. Must be 18, and a current U.S. college student to enter. FL Residents not eligible. A total of 30 contest winners will be selected from “story” submissions received, based upon judging criteria outlined in the Rules