
Hi there!

We have chosen the location for our very first National Parks class trip at SAU. We’ll be visiting three different parks over the May Intersession (the academic period between the spring and summer semesters): Carlsbad Caverns National Park, New Mexico; Guadalupe Mountains National Park, Texas; and Big Bend National Park, Texas. We’ve starting fundraising activities and have had generous donations from the SAU office of the President, the SAU Foundation, and the various colleges and departments from which our students will receive their Bachelor’s degrees. We’ve also started the ball rolling with a crowd-funding campaign. Stay tuned for more information and a link to donate. All of the students have been asked to post on this site multiple times throughout the semester. I expect there will be some cool videos and demonstrations of the gear and the various ways we are preparing for the trip out west. Check back regularly for updates and entertaining posts!


Dr. Kate Lyn Sheehan

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