Health & Self-Care

So, this Arkansas weather has got you feeling a bit stuffy? Here are a few tips for taking care of yourself in the comfort of your own space on campus.
1.      Stay hydrated!
–        Water is your BEST FRIEND! Drinking juice, broth, and lemon water are all great ways to stay hydrated and to help clear some of the stuffiness up.
2.      Get lots of rest!
–        Resting up helps your body to overcome the sickness faster.
3.      Use saltwater, lozenges, and ice to soothe a sore throat.
4.      Drink a lot of warm fluids.
–        This helps with congestion and can be rather soothing.
5.      Hot tea with honey!
–        Honey helps with bad coughs! Combine honey with a nice, warm and soothing drink and you’ll definitely feel better!
As common and minor as catching a cold is, it can be easy to forget how miserable it can cause you to feel. Remember to stay hydrated, wash your hands, and rest up to get to feeling better as soon as possible.